How can i dissolve a plastic q-tip that I accidentally wedged into…

gjl91 need help to clarify doubt about: : How can i dissolve a plastic q-tip that I accidentally wedged into an area too small to remove it from?
There’s a glass bottom to the area it is wedged in so I will be able to let it soak. I just need the q-tip completely dissolved and the glass to not be affected.

Try this:

Answer by Nathan
Before you do that, have you tried using a vacuum tube yet? You could also use a fishing hook too. Straighten it out if it’s too big. Use a long needle of some sort.There is probably not going to be a chemical that can dissolve such a thing. You could try acetone but I don’t think that will really work.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Scheeech, what a job !! It is hard to think what
    will attack that plastic. Just try one (list below) for
    a few days and then dump it and add another , etc.
    The Works, toilet cleaner, HCl acid. (Big Lots)
    Organic solvents and alcohols
    Ask at a Hardware Store, not big box

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