Housekeeping Tips : How to Clean Dog Hair From Carpet

The only way to clean dog hair from carpet is with a vacuum, and this should be done every day or every other day, depending on how much the dog sheds. Learn about vacuum attachments that are used to get rid of pet hair with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video on housekeeping tips. Expert: Rachel Yatuzis Contact: Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes. Filmmaker: Tim Brown


  1. There’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog and the best way to remove hair from carpet is to groom the carpet thoroughly with a carpet groomer and then vacuum the carpet with the vacuum set at the proper level as to allow enough air circulation between the carpet surface and the vacuum bottom. It is this air circulating underneath the vacuum which will create the venturi effect and that lift or suction is what extracts the particles from the carpet fibers

  2. i had a bissell pet hair eraser that my negihbor gave me and i hated it i thought it was apiece of crap

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