How can I put new Fabric on a chair?

Emily J need help to clarify doubt about: : How can I put new Fabric on a chair?
Hey, so I bought a wing chair from goodwill, I’m going to clean it, but the fabric is ugly, and I want to put new fabric on, how do I go about doing this?

Try this:

Answer by c_kayak_fun
Re-covering a wing chair is a job for an expert upholsterer so i wouldn’t recommend it for a first project unless you’re a great seamstress already. However, you can make a passable slipcover for it. Choose a soft but sturdy fabric in a solid cover or small or large print (no stripes, medium scale prints or plaids — too hard to match patterns). You’ll need about 6 yards, at least. One cheap way to get a lot of fabric is to buy bedsheets or fabric shower curtains. I made a nice chair slipcover years ago from two heavy cotton large tableclothes, 60″ x 120″ each that cost me less than $ 15 total.

Wash and machine dry your fabric first to pre-shrink it. You can either make paper patterns by smoothing brown wrapping paper over the areas of the chair and cutting the pieces to fit OR just smooth the fabric over each area (the back, the seat cushion, the sides) and cutting the pieces with an inch on each side. Pin the pieces together over the chair with the good side of the fabric towards the chair and the seam edges out, then sew the seams together. Then turn the slipcover right side out and slip it over the chair. Sew woven tape ties or ribbons at the bottom edge near all 4 legs and tie them around the legs to keep the cover from riding up or slipping. If the seat cushion is removeable, make the cover to fit the chair with the cushion off, then make a separate slip cover for the seat cushion with a zipper or velcro to close one side.

If you go to a fabric store, some of the pattern companies (like mcCalls, Butterick and Simplicity) have patterns that give instructions for making slipcovers like this — your local library probably has upholstering guide books too. Good luck with your chair!

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