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Tag: carpets

How do I get rid of fleas in my apartment?

The previous tenant had two dogs and left me with the fleas. And I mean bad. When I came in to look the place...

How Do I Get Paint Out Of A Carpet?

Ok so I left the room for like 1 minute and i came back and my 3 year old (3 year old today :3)...

Professional Carpet Cleaning etiquette?

My lease is ending on a house I've just moved out of. Our lease stipulates that we must have the carpets professionally cleaned. I've...

What vacuum cleaner do you like the best?

Over the years I have had many different vaccum cleaners. Like dirt devil, hoover, rainbow and filter queen to name a few. They all...

How can I clean houses quickly AND thoroughly?

I just got a job cleaning houses, but I've never lived in a place that was half as clean as these people expect theirs...

What vacuum should i rent?

I'm cleaning my apartment and i don't own a vacuum so i'm going to rent one (none of my friends have a vacuum). Its about...

Cleaning tips for someone allergic to dust mites?

So I went for allergy testing last year and found out i'm pretty severely allergic to dust mites. The doctor gave me a phamplet...

Borax house treatment for fleas,just a few ?'s?

First of all, this is the house treatment I've chosen to get rid of my flea's. If your going to tell me oh god...

UGH! Dog hair in carpet….and everywhere! What tips do you have??

My husband's dog nonstop SHEDS...she's a short-haired dog, with black coarse hair (a Staffordshire Bull Terrier). Today I found her hair in the...